


Young soccer team in front of a soccer net on a grass field.

Since 2017, with the help of our supporters, ConfiKids is proud to have impacted the lives of hundreds of children. The children in our program are able to pursue their passions, make new friends, and most importantly, grow their self-confidence.

ConfiKids' Impactful Journey

Jaden playing an instrument and holding balloons.


Jaden loved the trumpet and took lessons consistently. When his family situation changed in 2019, it did not seem possible for him to continue. His mother applied to ConfiKids, and we funded his lessons for two years.

In September, Jaden’s mom let us know that she could continue paying for the lessons on her own and the financial situation had improved! Jaden continued to work hard and in December (2021) he was invited to play with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. This youth program is extremely competitive to join and Jaden’s mom thanks ConfiKids for helping Jaden continue his passion the past two years!

Amerie holding flowers after a dance recital.


Here is Amerie at her big dance recital from two weeks ago. “It was amazing and it couldn’t have happened without the generosity and support from your amazing organization!” – Andrea, Amerie’s Mom

ConfiKids received a donation at the end of 2020 from the Kerchoff family, whose daughter danced her whole life. They asked ConfiKids to earmark those funds for another child in dance. The funds went directly to Amerie’s program and gave her the opportunity to dance!

Wes in a karate outfit with a red belt.


“Wes made it to BoDon's first stripe and he broke the board! On his first try, he kicked straight through 2 boards.

I can’t believe how far he has come!!! I hope you know how amazingly awesome you are!!! And how much we super appreciate all you do!!!!!”

-Wesley’s Mom
on the impact of ConfiKids

Discover the Profound Impact Your Donation Can Make

Isabella, a ConfiKid, in dance class.

Meet Isabella – A ConfiKid

TO SHINE BRIGHT ON THE DANCE FLOOR! Isabella is just seven years old, but she has already experienced many more challenges than most adults will ever face. Born with cortical blindness, Isabella has a narrow field of vision. She is legally blind. Isabella also has hypotonia, or decreased muscle tone. She struggles with balance and coordination, exerting extra effort for every move. Isabella is also on the Autism spectrum, making it difficult for her to connect with peers and fit in socially. 

Despite all of this, Isabella was a very bold and confident child. Her mom Elizabeth describes Isabella as being an early walker, always climbing on everything, and dancing up and down the grocery store aisles. But in 2019, Isabella retreated. She became quiet and withdrawn after witnessing domestic violence. She no longer had a spring in her step and she stopped dancing completely.

Elizabeth, now a single mother of two children, both of whom have ongoing medical conditions, struggles financially. With no monetary support from the father, and mounting medical and legal bills, Elizabeth can’t afford anything extra for her children. 

When Elizabeth learned about ConfiKids, she applied and was awarded funding for Isabella to dance. At the time, she didn’t fathom the impact. Isabella loved to dance as a toddler, but her mom was worried about her coordination and muscle strength as she got older. 

Isabella dancing in a studio wearing all black.

Yet, Isabella is not just dancing again, she is THRIVING! The challenges did not stop Isabella, and once she put on her dancing shoes, her love of dance returned. Isabella attends Harney Pender Keady (HPK) studio in Walpole and is learning Irish Step Dance. Elizabeth is amazed at Isabella’s accomplishments. Her love for dance and bright smile have returned. She practices nonstop and even tries to teach her mom how to do the steps too. And the best part, she is back to dancing up and down the grocery store isles. 

With a bright smile from ear to ear, Isabella says, “Dancing is fun” and she “feels proud of herself when she learns something new.” Liam Harney, the director at HPK says, “Any program that helps a child participate in an extracurricular activity is a fantastic thing. Schoolwork is great, but it is through extracurriculars that children find their passions. For it to be available for more kids is just awesome”. 

Elizabeth and Isabella want to share their story because they know the impact of this class goes far beyond just learning a new dance routine. Mom says, “Dancing is something that brings Isabella peace and joy every week. She’s excited about it, and she feels included at HPK, even when she is excluded from so many other things. Isabella went from being uncomfortably shy to being rather bold and confident. She’s had so many obstacles in her young life, but she perseveres and just keeps going. I really hope more people will donate to ConfiKids so more children can have these great experiences.” 

With support from our community, ConfiKids will be able to help more kids like Isabella. Please support our mission and the rising demand to provide children with the gift of extracurricular activities. It is a gift that will last a lifetime! 

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A graphic about ConfiKid Mary.
Graphic sharing Ashton's story.
Graphic about Hadassah's story.